Our digestive system is integral to the body and contributes to our overall health. By having a healthy digestive system, we can be assured that we will generally feel good as the result of a healthy gut, meaning that food is efficiently digested and processed in the body. During peri menopause and menopause, problems can develop. The feeling of bloating, gas or wind, constipation which can develop is uncomfortable and hormonal fluctuations mean that the normal healthy digestive system starts to unravel.

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So, what are these digestive problems? There are many forms of digestive problems which can be experienced in peri menopause and menopause. These can include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, vomiting and lactose intolerance. The three most distressing digestive symptoms in menopause are constipation, wind/bloating and heartburn.

Although there are numerous possible causes of digestive problems as menopause approaches, it is more likely that these are brought about by hormonal changes causing hormone imbalance with the reduction of progesterone and oestrogen normally produced by the body. The reduction in particular, of oestrogen results in levels of cortisol in the body rising, which in turn, can play havoc with levels of blood sugar and raised blood pressure levels.
Are there other causes of digestive problems?

Of the many causes of digestive problems, other possible factors may need to be considered.

A poor diet will contribute to digestive problems as the lack of fibre and the consumption of too much processed foods and junk foods take their toll on the digestive system. Modern day living brings about stress and bad habits. Certain drugs and medications such as antibiotics can all have an affect the digestive system. Of course, the usual culprits; smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise play their part as well. It is however, more likely that digestive problems which occur around the time of menopause will be related to hormone imbalance.

If you are experiencing the above symptom please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 883 405 to book a free no obligation consultation and discuss this with one of our doctors.

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