Need help removing stubborn fat?

Did you know that the menopausal transition coupled with aging is associated with changes in fat metabolism1?

Australian Menopause Centre

The Australian Menopause Centre has dedicated team who can help you achieve a healthy weight. We have many options starting from general diet and lifestyle modification, all the way through to gut microbiome analysis.

Starting on a weight loss journey can be a bit daunting and we have several programs to suit all personalities and individual needs. Some people love the idea of shakes and meal replacements, others are more food oriented and want to make changes to their eating habits by adding food groups or making better food choices.

Weight loss is complicated and the reasons why ‘you’ may not be losing weight could be a mixed bag. Is it your hormones, your stress levels, your bodies inability to eliminated wastes, your gut microbiome? There is not one option that fits all women (or men). Rest assured our team are committed to exploring all possibilities that might be standing in the way of you not losing your tummy.

Start your journey by filling our contact form and someone will be in contact with you shortly. We will ask you for a 3-day food diary, as a way of starting the conversation. Sometimes that is also a visual prompt for yourself to see where you might be able to adjust right away.

* The term ‘hedonic hunger’ refers to one’s preoccupation with and desire to consume foods for the purposes of pleasure and in the absence of physical hunger.

Weight loss cannot be achieved without goal setting and our team will chat to you about setting your SMART goals.

Australian Menopause Centre

Fill in the form below to enquire about our Naturopath, Nutritionist or Weight Loss Program(s) and speak with one of our Practitioners

    Obligation-free Doctor’s Consultation