Dec 14, 2017 Wellness Tips Annmarie Cannone 76 views

Somehow, Christmas is upon us and we’re all gearing up for what is quite often called, the silly season. It’s a time where we consume copious amounts of food and alcoholic beverages whilst we spend time with family and friends. It’s also a time where we attempt to unwind however, quite often, it can become a time of heightened stress and madness.

It is important to implement certain strategies into your life to allow you to cope with the craziness of Christmas.

  • Focus on family and friends: Spend time with those you love. Have a laugh over a meal and make new memories. Don’t stress about extravagant parties and keep things simple. The more time spent preparing the decor or meals, the more stressed you will become.
  • Listen to your body: We have worked a long and tiring year and it’s no surprise our bodies need a good rest and break over this time. Don’t fight against the signs your body is trying to tell you. As difficult as it may be, rest as much as possible. When you’re home, have a 20minute nap in the middle of the day to recharge your body. Have as many early nights as possible.
  • Keep hydrated: Christmas in Australia is hot! The heat factored in with an increase in alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration. Make sure at least 2L of water is consumed daily and always have a glass of water after any alcoholic beverage. This will not only keep you hydrated but will also prevent you from experiencing a sore head the next day.
  • Minimise materialism: We often become so caught up in what gifts to buy each other that we really forget about the true meaning and spirit of Christmas. The best gift we can give someone is our time. Spend quality time with those you love and live in the moment.
  • Moderate your food consumption and make better choices: There is no denying that during Christmas we consume too much food as well as foods we usually wouldn’t usually eat. This is very normal and all part of the fun of the Christmas celebration. However, every single day doesn’t need to be like this. When you’re not catching up with friends and family, ensure you moderate your food intake. Consume lots of green leafy vegetables and fruit. Make vegetable juices to give your liver the nourishment it requires from excessive food and alcohol consumption. Reduce the rich, creamy, and high sugar and carbohydrate foods, when you have the control to do so.
  • Don’t over commit and set limits: There’s only one of you and it’s impossible to try and be in multiple places at once. Prioritise the functions and events you attend. The more you push yourself the more you will crash and burn and not enjoy the time with family and friends. Determine what you believe is a reasonable time spent celebrating and it is okay to say ‘no’ to multiple invitations
  • Delegate: It’s not realistic to do it all and it is more than fine to delegate tasks to family and to ask friends and family to contribute to the Christmas meal.

Written by Annmarie Cannone

M.Hum Nut, Grad Dip Naturopathy, B.App Sci (Naturopathic Studies)

About The Author - Annmarie Cannone

Annmarie is a highly qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist having graduated from the University of Western Sydney with both undergraduate and post graduate degrees and holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition.

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