Mar 31, 2019 Wellness Tips Annmarie Cannone 1,072 views

We all know the general rule of thumb of needing to consume approximately 2L of water per day, however, don’t force yourself. Everyone’s water requirements are different. The more water you consume, the more dilute our electrolytes such as magnesium become and as a result, cramping can occur.

  • Consume spring water

Both spring and mineral water contain a healthy ratio between key electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium and ensures you’re not only just consuming good old H20. It will ensure you’re not only well hydrated, but your cells will also be able to function properly.

  • Avoid profuse sweating

Sweating is a great way of detoxifying however, profuse sweating daily, can contribute to electrolytes being excreted and, if not replenished through diet, can lead to imbalances in electrolytes which may contribute to dizziness, fatigue and poor concentration. If you need to sweat it out daily, ensure you replenish your electrolytes through consuming mineral water and/electrolyte replacements.

Alcohol and caffeine are notoriously known for acting as diuretics. As a result of their diuretic effect, electrolytes can be lost with moderate, daily consumption. A general rule of thumb is to consume a glass of water with each cup of coffee or glass of alcoholic beverage. This will ensure you’re adequately hydrated.

We often neglect the role vegetables have in fluid consumption. Keeping hydrated doesn’t mean just consuming water, we can also obtain a relatively good amount of water from our vegetables. Raw is always best, and good vegetables to consume raw, are cucumbers, celery, lettuce and tomatoes (even though, technically, a fruit).

Coconut water has tended to be the craze over the last couple of years and deservedly so. Coconut water contains all the key electrolytes, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It is a great alternative to sports drinks and has a delicious, nutty flavour.

About The Author - Annmarie Cannone

Annmarie is a highly qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist having graduated from the University of Western Sydney with both undergraduate and post graduate degrees and holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition.

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